Unsere Stipendiaten

Robyn Fritz (McAuley House)

Describe yourself in three sentences!

I think I’m someone who likes to see the bright side of life, but I’m also very realistic. I dont always take myself too seriously. I enjoy making others laugh and smile. 

Who do you live with at home?

I live with my dad and uncle. 

What do you like?

I like delicious tasting food, and I like a mixture of calm R&B, hip hop, and indie music. 

What do you dislike?

I don’t like wasting time, being unprepared, and having nothing to do, I always want to keep myself busy. 

What’s your favourite thing to do when you’re not studying? 

I like having a cup of cappuccino and watching my favorite series, I like peaceful walks outside, and I enjoy going shopping for new items. 

What’s your (secret or well known) superpower? 

I think my superpower is that I’m able to make people laugh, I always hear about how funny I can be, and I’m a hard worker, no matter the situation im able to adapt to it. 

Please fill in the gap looking towards your future jobs: I would make for a great….

… surgeon, accountant or an architect.

Botlhale Molefe (McAuley House)

Who do you live with at home?

I live with my mom and both my siblings.

What do you like?

I like to speak and be able to freely express myself. 

What do you dislike?

I don’t like veggies. I’m not doing physics . 

What is your (secret or well known) superpower?

I am well-known for being able to speak my mind confidently . 

Please fill in the gap looking towards your future jobs: I would make for a great….

At this current moment I am not sure of my line of work , though I’d like to make a difference in someone’s life and make them feel and know that they too can be somebody.

Amulike Dube (Sacred Heart )

Describe yourself in three sentences!

I’d say I have a great sense of humour, I love sports especially football, once you get to know me I’m a good person

Who do you live with at home?

I live with my father and my uncle 

What do you like?

I like football I basically breathe football like football is life 

What do you dislike?

Actually I don’t dislike a lot of things 

Whats your favourite thing to do when you’re not studying? 

I love gaming but if I’m not gaming I’m playing football 

What’s your (secret or well known) superpower? 

I have the power to make peoples day 

Please fill in the gap looking towards yourfuture jobs: I would make for a great….

… YouTuber, Sports scientist and physical therapist but I do want to pursue a career as a professional footballer.

Lehakwe Mpholo (Sacred Heart)

Who do you live with at home?

I live with my mom and dad 

What do you like?

 I like drawing, painting, swimming, cooking and socialising with people. 

What do you dislike?

I don’t like being forced into doing something and being underestimated . My favourite thing to do when I’m not studying is drawing. 

What is your (secret or well known) superpower?

My superpower is persuasion ( I’m good at drawing people’s attention and making them be interested in my opinion).

Please fill in the gap looking towards yourfuture jobs: I would make for a great….

… paediatrician because I enjoy taking care of babies and want to see them living a better life or getting bets from whatever they are going through .